Samstag, 23. April 2011

Geklaut von meiner liebsten Julie:

"Sie ist deine Freundin!" - "Ist sie nicht." - "Aber so gut wie." - "Ich will aber dich. Die Maggie, die auf der Hochzeit von Trix geweint hat, obwohl sie Schnulz und Kitsch hasst. Die Maggie, die es verabscheut sich rauszuputzen und am liebsten den ganzen Tag im Schlabberlook alte Filme sieht. Die Maggie, die beim Anblick eines Babys weinen kann und dennoch stur behauptet, niemals eine gute Mutter zu sein. Weißt du was ich sehe, wenn ich dich anblicke? Ein vollkommenes Leben. Du bist all das, was ich will. Was ich brauche. Ich will kein dummes Blondinchen oder jemanden, der hunderte Kilometer weit entfernt wohnt. Ich will keine, die mehr Zeit damit zubringt vorm Spiegel zu hängen, als zu sprechen. Ich will jemanden, der noch echte Bücher liest, der Klassiker zu schätzen weiß, auch mal mies gelaunt ist aber ohne andere zu verletzen. Immer treu und ehrlich. Jemand, der sich was aus Talenten macht und die Familie respektiert. Maggie, es brauchte ewige Monate, ach, ewige Jahre um zu erkennen, dass ich das schon immer hatte. Um zu erkennen, dass ich falsch lag mit meiner Entscheidung. Also, wie ist es, nimmst du meine Entschuldigung an?"

Mittwoch, 6. April 2011

"Sie wird nicht kommen, Kleine" "Ich weiß" "Ach, really?" "Natürlich. Zu oft vertröstet bisher." "Aber..." "Aber was? Ob ich ihr vertraue und glaube und all den Kram? Gott, Amy, ich liebe sie. Ich kann nicht anders" "Lass dich nicht kaputt machen" "Kaputt bin ich schon." "Du bist stärker." "Wirklich?" "Jaa"

Samstag, 19. März 2011

I've been broken before.
i know what it's like to not be able to smile
Him: Could you just stop walking away for a second?
Her: What for? The faster I get away from you the faster you wouldn’t have to breathe the same air as me.
Him: Obviously we were both angry. We said thing we didn’t mean.
Her: That still doesn’t make it any better, does it?
Him: Damnit, could you just stop being a pain in the ass for ONE second?!
Her: Oh, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for opening my big mouth. You like your girls submissive, right?
Him: Don’t even use that tone with me.
Her: Is it my fault I have a backbone? That I’m not afraid to stand up to YOUR ass? It’s been two years, but I see you haven’t changed a bit.
Him: And what the hell is that supposed to be?
Her: You know exactly what I mean. I’m gone for two years, but you’re still your player self. I actually thought you changed, you know?
Him: I did change, stupid. Whether I wanted it or not, I’ve changed.
Her: … Really.
Him: Yeah. Really. I’ve tried my damn hardest to forget you. When you left … It hurt like hell.
Her: How … exactly does that make you a new man?
Him: Heh, you don’t get it. It’s not just only because you left, right that moment. I changed because I found you. I changed because you left. I changed, ever since…
Her: … Ever since what?
Him: I fell in love with you.
Her: Oh, so now you say something sweet when we’re in the middle of an argument. Typical. We always fight. Why - what makes it different this time?
Him: Because I know you love me, too. Even if I’m being a selfish jackass and you’re being an almighty bitch, we tell each other. I don’t give a damn that we always fight because I want this to work.
Her: I don't love you. I did. Two years ago.
Him: No. Shut up. You left and it was because of my insecurities that I didn’t stop you. But the next time you walk away, I’m walking after you because I want you. I want this to work. I want to see your pissed off face every morning when you hate getting up, and I want to see a smile on your face when I do something totally stupid. Both of us, you and me, every day for the rest of lives and forever … because I love you. And that’s all I give a damn about.


Sonntag, 13. März 2011

Long Distand Relationship.

 Long Distand Relationship. What People say:
-You have never even met them.
-They could be cheating on you right know
-How can you love someone that you only see on chat
-You are not really sleeping with them, you are sleeping on the phone with them
-"You will find someone better in your distance"

Well, I think it's really cute if people can maintain a distand relationship without giving up cause people say "they are cheating on you". Thats how you know it's a real relationship, especially cause theres so much trust . To be honest, you don’t even have to see someoneto love someone. If someone can make you laugh and feel butterflies through a camera, then it’s real love because that means that even through camera, phone or chat, they could still love each other through all of that.